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Placeholder Yazılabilen, Şifreler İçin De Kullanılabilen, TabIndex Alabilen TextInput

Orijinal CaptionTextInput Class’ı için bkz. Spark TextInput with Caption (Watermark)

package components
	import flash.events.FocusEvent;

	import mx.core.UIComponent;

	import spark.components.TextInput;

	import spark.skins.mobile.TextInputSkin;

	public class CaptionTextInput extends TextInput
		private var _displayAsPassword:Boolean;
		private var _showsCaption:Boolean;
		private var _caption:String;

		public function CaptionTextInput()
			//	bunu yapmazsak tabIndex calismaz
			this.setStyle("skinClass", Class(spark.skins.mobile.TextInputSkin));
			this.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusIn);
			this.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onFocusOut);

		override public function set text(value:String):void {
			this._showsCaption = false;
			super.displayAsPassword = _displayAsPassword;
			super.text = value;

		override public function set displayAsPassword(value:Boolean):void{
				super.displayAsPassword = value;
			_displayAsPassword = value;

		override public function get text():String {
			if (this._showsCaption) {
				return "";
			else return super.text;

		 * The value to be shown if the textfield has no text (this.text == '')
		public function set caption(value:String):void {
			if (super.text == "") {
				super.displayAsPassword = false;
				super.text = value;
				this._caption = value;
				this._showsCaption = true;

		private function onFocusIn(ev:FocusEvent):void {
			if (this._showsCaption) {
				this._showsCaption = false;
				super.displayAsPassword = _displayAsPassword;
				super.text = "";

		private function onFocusOut(ev:FocusEvent):void {
			if (this.text == "") {
				this._showsCaption = true;
				super.displayAsPassword = false;
				super.text = _caption;

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